Best dps meter wow

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They can help the raid with interrupting, and giving Bshout/Cshout for the raid.

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To go chronologically backwards, Fury warriors give +5% crit aura same as ferals, but no small heal. Or even Feral druid (cat), you give +5% crit aura that also heals every few seconds, Mangle debuff for bleed effects, and the mentioned druid utility. Druids have Rebirth and Innervate at their diposal, rets have their hand spells. You want utility for the raid group? Just roll Balance Druid or Retribution Paladin, those two specs give the most buffs to the raid group - Owlkin gives +3% haste, +3% hit for spells via debuff, +12% spelldamage and +5% crit Ret gives +3% damage done, +3% haste, +3% crit debuff and replenishment effect. All specs are great to dps with, the only problem is that some classes or specs scale with gear a lot more than the others, and with 3.3.5 patch, that's a problem for some 'cause there's no ICC stat overflow.